Music performance, 2014 / 50 min
projects web in progress
Tuesday, September 30th, 8 pm / KGB, Maribor
Tuesday, October 7th, 7 pm – Premiere / PTL
Wednesday, October 8th, 7 pm / PTL City of Women
What is the pulse of the system we are immersed in? What is the sound of life in it? In what way is our work mounted in this rhythmic structure?
Every story has an exposition, a rising action, a climax, a resolution. Every story has an alternative. What is F in the ABCDE system?
“Also among the multitude of disgracing jobs that I did there was the night shift in a plant of lighting structures. An eight-hour execution of repetitive gestures and submissive adapting to the machinery. I tried to fill the monotony of gestures by observing the machinery and the workers. I was wondering what would happen if I pushed one of the switches. I pushed it. The movement of the machine changed. The mechanical arm grabbed fragile plastic structures and deformed them. The production stopped. And we could go home.”(Dok Gregory)
ABCDE_F is a concert (inter)diction. About our work. How we work. Why we work. It draws inspiration from the stories of individuals of different profiles, professions and cultural milieus who shared their experience of work with the authors.
Every story has an exposition, a rising action, a climax, a resolution. Every story has an alternative. What do workers dream of?
Saša Rakef and Jasmina Založnik are self-employed in culture. As two different biographies, they are variations on the subject of the relations between the individual and the ABCDE system addressing the following issues:
Is integration into the ABCDE system a possibility for changing the system or a way of survival? To what degree are we capable of (self-)reflection of the existing processes? Who do we owe and why are we accountable?
Koncept in režija: Saša Rakef, Jasmina Založnik;
Avtorica teksta: Saša Rakef v sodelovanju z Jasmino Založnik;
Izvedba: Saša Rakef, Jasmina Založnik, Jelena Milojević, Uroš Jezdić, Vanja Dizdarević;
Avtorica glasbe: Jelena Milojević v sodelovanju z Urošem Jezdićem in Vanjo Dizdarevićem;
Dramaturgija: Klavdija Zupan;
Oblikovanje luči in tehnično vodstvo: David Orešič;
Prevod besedila v angleščino: Anja Podgornik; Lektura: Neja Šmid;
Izvršni producentki: Saša Rakef, Jasmina Založnik
Produkcija: Cona, zavod za procesiranje sodobne umetnosti;
Koprodukcija: Mesto žensk, Celinka, društvo ustvarjalk sodobnega plesa v sodelovanju: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
S podporo: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Maribor