radioCona REuse CITY:REuseRADIO
radioCona 88.8MHz, FM in galerijska razstava
Dec 2013 – Jan. 2014
curators Anna Friz, Irena Pivka, Jasmina Založnik, Brane Zorman
radioCona REuse CITY : REuse RADIO is a research exhibition project that investigates parallel processes of awareness about re-using the city and involves a re-use of the radio and similar mobile communication tools. REuse MESTO : REuse RADIO traverses the reception and understanding of urbanised space through locative, GPS and FM frequency technologies. We are bringing together concepts that involve an intertwining and contact of radio art and sound location works with the physical space. The project presents the framework for location research projects in the area of radio and sound art. Specific works will reconstitute and deconextualise both artistic work and space which will be linked to work. The focus of our research is to connect space as a representative exhibiting object with sound.
events program
radioCona program
Anna Friz: City at Night
artists and works
premiere works
produkcija: CONA zavod za procesiranje sodobne umetnosti
koprodukcija: KC Tobačna 001 MGML
partnerji: Avstrijski kulturni forum Ljubljana, The Canada Council for the Arts s pomočjo: OE Oddajniki in zveze RTV Slovenije
program CONA zavoda podpira Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo
Anna Friz in Maria Papadomanolaki, residentki KC Tobačna001 / MGML,
sta bili izbani na povabilo CONE, ki producira njuje aktivnosti med residenco.