by Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorman Live Internet Broadcast from Svalbard, Arctic Ocean Wednesday, 31 December 2008 at 23:55 PM Central European Time (GMT/UTC+1) Robots often cry — why shouldn’t you?
Category Archives: 3/Ballettikka Internettikka
BI Intermenttikka
Ballettikka Internettikka Intermenttikka by Igor Štromajer & Brane Zorman Live Internet Broadcast from Seoul, Korea 22 July 2008 at 6 AM Korean Time (GMT/UTC+9) Paris / Berlin / Ljubljana: 21 July at 11 PM New York: 21 July at 5 PM Buenos Aires: 21 July at 6 PM
Posted in 3/Ballettikka Internettikka
Tagged Ballettikka Internettikka Intermenttikka, Korea, Seoul, Stromajer, TMCA, Zorman
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Ballettikka Internettikka Olymppikka
Ballettikka Internettikka: Olymppikka by Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorman, Fire Polygon, 24 March 2008 # Guerrilla Net Ballet Performance: Ballettikka Internettikka: Olymppikka “At the same time that the official 2008 Olympic Torch is being kindled by the light of the Sun, Stromajer & Zorman are digitally igniting a robot with computer software.”
Posted in 3/Ballettikka Internettikka
Tagged 3/Ballettikka Internettikka, art, brane zorman, Igor Stromajer, Intima, Olympic Torch
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