Tuesday, October 10. 2017 K18 – MFRU Koroška 18, Maribor works radioCona:wolFMoon Agapea, beepblip (Ida Hiršenfelder), Andrej Hrvatin, Petra Kapš (alias OR poises), Borut Peternelj(Amper-o-mat), Roberina Šebjanič, Miha, Turšič/Špela Petrič, Tea Vidmar/Ana Kravanja, Brane Zorman/Maja Smrekar
Category Archives: 1/radioCona
radioCona:wolFMoon premiere sound works on WGXC 90.7-FM – Wave Farm Radio
Saturday, May 27, 2017: 10pm – Sunday, May 28, 2017: 3am (UTC/GMT -4) WGXC 90.7-FM: Hands-on Radio 90.7-FM and wgxc.org More about the programme onWGXC more about on radioCona
on line performans and in-situ events Saturday6. – Sunday 7. May 2017 www.radiocona.si and Tivoli Greenhouse, Ljubljana more about project and events radiocona.si radioCona:soundcamp conceived by Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman, Marko Trstenjak, dr.Maja Zagmajster and Marko Batista. radioCona is partnering up for the fourth consecutive year with Soundcamp Reveil a project that in a 24-hour online broadcast relays the sounds of […]
ZVO.ČI.TI so.und.ing DUO + Sleep koncert
Tuesday 17. January 2017, 8.00pm Kino Šiška, Komuna and on FM and stream 3. program Radia Slovenija – program ARS and radioCona 8.00 pm ZVO.ČI.TI so.und.ing DUO: Alessandra Eramo and Jaka Berger (8.40 EBU satelits) 9.20pm cake 9.30pm Sleep concert: Mauricio Valdes/Jure Pohleven, Ana Kravanja, Samo Kutin, Irena Tomažin, Eduardo Raon/Wolfgang Schloegl, Andrej Hrvatin/Gaja Klas part of […]
FM sound art exhibition and events. January 12. – 19. 2017 on FM 88.8MHz, radioCona and on locations radioCona will start on Thursday, January 12., on the occasion of the full moon, named wolf moon and will tune in at twilight for eight nights in a row. Every evening at 6:20pm, at the time when day turns into […]
radioCona:0.2425 rebroadcast on WGXC 90.7-FM
radioCona:0.2425 FM soundart exhibition August 1 – 5, 2016, every night 12.00 – 6.00am (UTC/GMT- 4) Wave Farm Radio, New York WGXC 90.7-FM: Hands-on Radio links: WGXC 90.7-FM schedule and radioCona Curated by: Francisco Lopez, Elena Biserna, Eric Leonardson, Brane Zorman, Irena Pivka, Jasmina Založnik
an online performance and in-situ events Saturday, 30 April – Sunday, May 1, 2016 radioCona and Rastlinjak Tivoli, Ljubljana radioCona is joining the soundcamp/Reveil in a day-long transmission that continuously from the microphone to the microphone at daybreak travels around the globe. Starting on the morning on Saturday, April 30 just before daybreak in Rotherhithe near the Greenwich […]
radioCona:0.2425 FM exhibition
Sunday, 28.2. to Thursday, 3. 3. 2016 Every night starting at nautical twilight (6:16pm) FM 88.8MHz and website radiocona.si programme broadcast (pdf) Highlights: premieres sound art works Slovene artists and sound event Francisco Lopez. Live events radioCona: 0.2425 Sunday, February 28, sound walks Park Tivoli in front of MGLC 17.00 Simon Macuh: Sprehodi za čuječnost 18.16 Irena Pivka/Brane […]
Brane Zorman: Čazven
17.- 30. August 2015 FM and in-situ sound work (14.22 min) church tower Sv. Marjeta and radio Sora, Slovenia sound work for exhibition, Hiša na hribu, Sv.Marjete in village Žlebe near Medvode, organization CCC institute.
sobota 2.maj (16:00) – nedelja 3.maj (6:00), 2015 radioCona, KSEVT Vitanje radioCona is joining the project Reveil, British arts organizations soundCamp, in a day-long transmission that continuously from the microphone to the microphone at daybreak travels around the globe. more