workshop, 120 min
Friday, 27 Sep, 10:00
Cukrarna, classroom
For this workshop, Dr Colin Black invites participants to tune into their acoustic environment and delve into the process of deepening individuals’ sense of self and connection with their environment, their sense of place, space and wider community. Participants will explore the creation of their own psychogeographic sound maps, emphasizing the emotional impact of the site nuanced from an intersection of psychological and sonic geographical perspectives. In effect, Dr Black aims to open the ears of the participants to consider how soundwalks can be treated as a self-expressive art therapy resource to assist with personal well-being.
Colin Black is an internationally acclaimed sound artist having won the 2023 Prix Phonurgia Nova Awards, 2015 New York Festivals Awards and 2003 Prix Italia Award. Black has received multiple national and international commissions to create innovative major works for installation, performance, and broadcast in Australia, USA and across Europe. He completed his PhD at the University of Sydney and is currently an Adjunct Lecturer at Southern Cross University and a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Nova Gorica.