Steklenik Spring Sound Gallery

6-channel sound installation / 6 Mar – 31 May 2023
Sežana Botanical Gardens

Sonic Ontology of negligence is the third sound work in a series of 4 selected works as part of a collaboration between the Steklenik gallery and the Sežana Botanical Gardens. The work is a continuous research evolving from listening to abandoned places and landscapes reshaped by extensive intervention of human presence and exploitation, and eventually “given over“ to Nature to reclaim the space.


The gallery for sound, bioacoustics and art Steklenik addresses works that connect artistic and scientific practices through sound research of nature and the environment. The artworks encompass themes of bioacoustics, sound ecology, landscape and art, and are intended to intertwine sound and botany in the exhibition space of the greenhouse.

Thus, in the greenhouse of the Sežana Botanical Garden, the Steklenik gallery presents an exhibition space for designing, researching and experiencing sound works in a natural environment. The greenhouse is therefore placed in a wider field of spatial perception which, in addition to providing suitable conditions for the growth, research and admiration of selected botanical organisms, offers a unique context for experiencing sound works under the same conditions.

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