Tomaž Grom – Séamus O´Donnell / ZVO.ČI.TI DUO

Tuesday, Feb 11. 2020, at 20.00, Dvorana Komuna,Kino Šiška, Ljubljana

In second concert ZVO.ČI.TI DUO, Grom and O’Donnell will prepare a sonic collision, gradation and overflow of two interventions with an outcome that can’t be predicted. Actually, due to the potential possibilities of the derivatives, instruments and improvisational methods, it remains intentionally undefined.

Seamus O’Donnell: Ruins/City/Memory
Tomaž GromPizda, vsi neki špilajo, jaz sem pa umetnik
Tomaž Grom and Seamus O’Donnell: Intervention with unknowable outcomes


  1. Seamus O’DonnellRuins/City/Memory (2017)

Artist about his work:

»Objects collected in the city of the performance are elevated to a new status. They become ambassadors of the culture, truth-sayers of the urban experience and representatives of the inanimate, objective and all honest material of the every day life of that city. In the process of sampling and manipulating the sounds of these objects a new (but old) story is teased into being, persuaded to reveal the epic (and ongoing) journey of its city. By reducing the city to a few objects and then abstracting their metaphoric properties to a live sound piece we may peer with closed eyes into the future. Just for a moment.«

  1. Tomaž Grom: Pizda, vsi neki špilajo, jaz sem pa umetnik

»Da bi mu kdo gledal pod prste, kako neudobno zavezujoče.
Odziv je rezek, sunkovit in bučen.
Če je že treba gledati, potem pogledati skozi prste obeta zaslišati pretanjeno in komajda zaznavno.
Svoboda je možnost zaznavanja obeh, prisluhniti gledanju pod in pogledu skozi. Medtem prsti samovoljno ubirajo strune. Iščejo kam.
Um ujet v zanki nepovratnosti. Ali je drzneje tvegati nepredvidljivo ali predvidljivo?
Delikatnost zvoka odzvanja v tišini
.« (Špela Trošt)

  1. Tomaž Grom in Seamus O’Donnell: Intervention with unknowable outcomes

Artists about their work:

After a healthy warm up in the days before the performance the two artists will apply their individual skills and experiences in the sonic fields to explore the moment and the space. The outcome of this is purposely left undefined in order to allow for the full spectrum of possibilities the two can explore. Because of the difficulties, misunderstandings, cross posting, different choices of musicians Tomaž will use conversation between Brane Zorman and Tomaž Grom as a base material for the piece, combined with electronic.”

Production: CONA. coprodukction: Kino Šiška.

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