Irena Pivka
From Švicarija to Bellevue
park Tivoli, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Monday 18 July at 6:29 morning
Distance 1.8 km, duration 21:21min
SoundCloud recording
Brane Zorman
From the former town tavern to the former military barracks
Molat island, Croatia
Monday 18 July at 6:29 morning
Distance 1,3km, duration 7:04 min
SoundCloud recording
Irena Pivka and Brane Zorman dedicated their two short early morning sound walks to the #WLD2016 event focusing on Sounds Lost and Found.
We have used binaural in-ear microphones* to record sounds at two very different locations in two different states: one was in park Tivoli in Ljubljana, Slovenia while the other was on the island of Molat in Croatia. At both locations we walked between two formerly important social places, located away from the centre, in the park and in a garden.
All objects (starting and ending points of both soundwalks) have been officially closed for a number of years and the facilities have declined. All of them have been closed due to recent historical, political and economical changes. Following the years of closure they have been attempts to revive these locations but it seems that the social interests have shifted in a different direction.
By connecting two locations in two different towns we highlighted the broken paths and connected the locations from our not so distant memories.
*For listening SoundCloud tracks we recommend using headphones.