Brane Zorman: Hidden Materia III

DSCN8980Thursday, October 23, 2014
Salon Izidor Kršnjavi
Zagreb, Hrvaška

Saturday, October 25, 2014
B12 HUB,
Beograd, Srbija

Brane Zorman: Hidden materia
Spatial sound performance, electroacoustic composition for two computers and several networked controllers

The sound composition and performance Hidden Materia is inspired by and conceived as an ongoing journey of the raw, liquid, vivid force of terrestrial magma carrying the unpareallel and hidden amount of energy and threat. Before coming to rest on the earth’s surface, before its liberation and emergence from the core below, it has to go through several processes of transformation, where all three stages of matter collide and interact in an apocalyptical chemical synthesis. The last phase in the subsequent stabilization and formation of solid matter on earth is realized through unpredictable and unexpected eruptions, explosions and dispersion of gases, molten metal, water, air, steam. Brane Zorman works with ready-made images, video clips and databases from the web and private collections. Out of the photos and recorded data he creates and manipulates live and pre-recorded sound sculptures and sequences that relate to colors, light intensity, contrast and shapes of the treated visual materials. He is transforming a visual representation of lava eruptions and flows (lines, points, cracks) to a sequencer score on a photo canvas using NI Reaktor, MetaSynth 5, Live 9 and M4L devices.

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