Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 7.00pm
Trubarjeva hiša literature, Ljubljana
artist talk
Communication is never easy and technology doesn’t change that. Annie Abrahams will talk about how she uses online performance to learn more about the limits and possibilities of networked and regular communication and collaboration. She will discuss how relations and behaviour are at the core of her artistic work and about what it means to work on an aesthetics of attention and trust. Using examples of her collective writing and online streaming performances she will try to shed light on the liberating aspects of the human messy sides of interaction in what she calls an online environment of lonely togetherness
Komunikacija nikoli ni bila enostavna in sodobne tehnologije tega niso uspele spremeniti. Francoska umetnica Annie Abrahams bo govorila o svoji uporabi performansa za proučevanje meja in možnosti spletne komunikacije ter sodelovanja. Razpravljala bo o odnosih in vedenju kot središču njenega umetniškega dela. O tem, kaj to pomeni ukvarjati se z estetiko pozornosti in zaupanja. S predstavitvijo svojih projektov kolektivnega pisanja in spletnih performansov, bo poskušala osvetliti osvobajajoče vidikov neurejenih interakcij, in o tem kar sama imenuje samotno povezanost v spletnem okolju.