Brane Zorman Hidden Materia 3

Brane Zorman hidden materia 3, IRZOOMnedelja 13. oktober 2013 ob 19.30, Ljubljana / Sunday October 13, 2013 – 7.30pm
MSUM (Muzej sodobne umetnosti meteljkova, Maistrova 3, Ljubljana)
okviru festivala /  in the frame of  EARZOOM Sonic Arts Festival 2013
Predavanje / Lecture – MSUM 16.40 / 4.40pm

Zvočni performans, elektroakustična skladba za dva računalnika in več omreženih kontrolerjev. Hidden Materia III je tretji in zaključni del trilogije izvedene v letih 2012-2013 (Gledališče Glej, Galerija Kapelica). Zvočna skladba je zastavljena kot potovanje tekoče, žive, surove energije zemeljske magme, ki vse do osvoboditve in sprostitve na površju zemlje poteka skozi številne procese transformacij in sintez. Zadnja faza in posledična umiritev in formiranja trdne materije na zemlji se realizira skozi pričakovane in neprčakovane izbruhe eksplozij plinske disperzij v vodi, zraku in na tleh. Vnaprej pripravljene slike, video posnetki in zajete podatkovne baze teh procesov se s programi NI Reaktor, MetaSynth 5 in MAX  ko-in dekodirajo, ter v realnem času spreminjajo – pretvorijo v zvok.

Hidden Materia III is a sound performance / electro-acoustic composition fortwo computers and several networked controllers. Hidden Materia III  is the third and final part of the trilogy developed in 2012-2013 (Glej Theater, Kapelica Gallery). The sound composition is conceived as an ongoing journey of the liquid, vivid, raw, energy of terrestrial magma that is undergoing several processes of transformation and synthesis before its liberation and comming to rest on the earth’s surface. The last phase and the subsequent stabilization and formation of solid matter on earth is realized through expected and unexpected eruptions and explosions, gas dispersions in water, air and on the ground. Ready-made images, video clips and databases containing these processes are being decoded and manipulated in real time and further, converted into sound with programs like NI Reaktor, MetaSynth 5 and MAX.


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