Oscilacije / Odmevi (Oscillations / Reflections) sound exhibition

Opening: Friday, 7. September, 2012, 8.00pm, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana

Artists presented: Bor Turel, Gregor Pirš, Boštjan Perovšek, Igor Likar, Igor Štuhec, Janez Matičič, Marjan Šijanec, Milan Stibilj, Primož Kuret.

Works selected and exhibition prepared by: Brane Zorman

The exhibition Oscilacije / Odmevi (Oscillations / Reflections) brings us back again to semi distant places and the times which persistently pull away from this, always present turning point which we call the present, the elusive here, now. With its sound matter and invisible frequency strings, it oscillates and reflects the time about which we who are here and now know only too little. Yet, the reason for this is not only our lack of knowledge or ignorance.

The sound exhibition Oscilacije / Odmevi (Oscillations / Reflections), presented here for you to listen to it and watch, is merely a modest, miniature overview of some of the groundbreaking, pioneering, and often – at least for those times – also brave, radical works of Slovene music makers and composers in the field of electroacoustic music, dramatised sound and word. The exhibition does not pretend to be a complex overview, also because of financial and spatial limitations.

However, it can call attention to, remind and thus bring that which is missing closer to all of us who are presently involved with sound art in all its forms and combinations with other media and contents so that we can experience and reflect on it.

Oscilacije / Odmevi (Oscillations / Reflections) exhibition will be open till September 23, 2012. It is a parallel event to International Computer Music Conference ICMC2012 in Ljubljana (September 9 – 14, 2012).

Exhibition will be open till September 23, 2012

Produced by: Škuc Gallery

Co-produced by: CONA, IRZU, EARZOOM Sonic Arts Festival, ICMC2012

Supported by: Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Mestna občina Ljubljana

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