16th International Festival of Computer Arts (IFCA/MFRU)
18 – 28 November 2010, Maribor, Slovenia
Ballettikka Internettikka – Internet Ballet
Presentation / Artist Talk ; Location: Cinema Udarnik, 24 November 2010 at 6 PM (local time)
EPK 12 – Mobile Showcase (Region: Novo Mesto / APT)
Artists: Igor Štromajer + Brane Zorman
English: www.mfru.org/index.php?id=294&L=1
Slovensko: www.mfru.org/index.php?id=294
Ballettikka Internettikka is a co-production of Intima Virtual Base (www.intima.org) and Cona (www.cona.si) 2001–2010 and Aksioma 2003.
Ballettikka Internettikka is a series of tactical art projects which began in 2001 with the exploration of Internet ballet. It explores wireless Internet ballet performances combined with guerrilla tactics and mobile live Internet broadcasting strategies.
Ballettikka Internettikka uses impossible connections to develop the possible strategies of resistance and disobedience. The project participates in the already existing protocols of communication, yet without being servile to these protocols, it opens up links between emotionality and technology, production and ethics, desire and organization, imagination and institution. The distribution of politics and intimacy without any reason and purpose, with the use of limited, defined and controlled protocols is a dystopia and an unsubmissive revolt to the world of capital, which can be disarmed only by the use of its own tactics.
Authors: Igor Štromajer and Brane Zorman
Theoretical Adviser: Bojana Kunst
In the years 2001–2010 the project was financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Culture of the Kingdom of Spain, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, Norsk Kulturfond, Arts Council Korea, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Hong Kong Cultural Service Department, Netherlands Media Art Institute, the Municipality of Madrid, the Municipality of Dresden, the Municipality of Belgrade, the Municipality of Ljubljana, Epson.
“We shall fight them on the beaches. We shall fight them on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender.”
(W. Churchill)