Coppers and Robbers Public Forum

Copy Right Law in Slovenia – Stimulation vs Obstruction ZASP – spodbuda ali ovira?
7 October 2008 (11am – 2 pm) KUD France Prešeren, Ljubljana Creative Commons

Coppers and Robbers Public Forum

This public forum tends to question the current Copy Right Law in Slovenia. What are the main obstacles faced by the authors? What would be the proper remedies for creating more stimulative conditions for the works to circulate?

Brane Zorman and Irena Pivka (RadioCona): Who is the author of the recorded soundscape?
Paul Keller (Knowledgeland): Internet vs. Victor Hugo
Balazs Bodo (CC Hungary): Friends of the ‘author’, enemies of each other – why the law, CC and Collecting societies can’t get along?
Maja Bogataj Jančič: Mandatory Collective Management of Copyright in Slovenia – Protection or limitation for creators?
(Intelectual Property Institute)
Slavko Pregl (president of the Slovene Writers’ Association): topic under construction

Representatives of various stakeholders:
Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), The Peace Institute, National and University Library, political parties, respective faculties, DSP and other professional artists’ associations, clubs, collective societies …

Special guest: Hand of Justice

Javna tribuna bo posvečena premisleku o Zakonu o avtorskih in sorodnih pravicah, težavam, s katerimi se spopadajo avtorji, in možnim ukrepom za izboljšanje pogojev kroženja avtorskih del. Žgočo temo, ki v medijih odmeva predvsem zaradi konflikta med predstavniki uporabnikov ter upravljavci avtorskih pravic, bomo osvetlili z zakonodajnega pa tudi avtorskega vidika. Tribuno bo povezoval Jure Longyka

Sodelovali bodo:
– Brane Zorman in Irena Pivka: Kdo je avtor posnetka zvočne krajine?
– Paul Keller: Internet proti Victorju Hugoju
– Balazs Bodo: Sovražni avtorjevi prijatelji – zakaj so si zakon, CC in kolektivne organizacije v laseh?
– Maja Bogataj Jančič: Obvezno kolektivno upravljanje avtorskih pravic v Sloveniji – Varstvo ali omejitev za ustvarjalce?
– Slavko Pregl: naslov prispevka v nastajanju

Posebej vabljeni predstavniki zainteresirane javnosti:
Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino, Mirovni inštitut, Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Pravna fakulteta, FDV, politične stranke, stanovska društva, klubi, kolektivne organizacije v Sloveniji

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