Annie Abrahams: Mie Lahkoo pomagate? (can you help me?)

AA_image2Solo exhibition
21 October – 7 November 2014, Aksioma Project Space
Tuesday, 21 October at 20h / opening and presentation
On oct. 22, 23 and 24 from 15h to 17h Annie Abrahams will be in the gallery to make sound recordings. She will also be available to introduce and discuss her work.

The works presented in the exhibition Mie Lahkoo Pomagate? (can you help me?) investigate different attitudes toward language and problematize how its expressivity is structured when placed in a new environment. They are the result of a one month residency in Ljubljana in April 2014.

The created pieces have an open structure and can be understood as a sort of “hacking”, through which another sphere of what used to be called net art is opened. This other zone is no longer caught in the virtual world, it does not examine its imprints on reality, but cuts through the space of in-betweenness, the real / the virtual, past / present. It calls for a responsible, watchful, and careful entering, reading, acting, reacting, even when we are becoming a witness of a past event, when we are interpreting offered materials, combining, connecting, and understanding them.

The exhibition includes recordings of the performances Encounter, created with Maja Delak and Irena Pivka, and Kaj misiliš s tem? What do you mean?, created with Martina Ruhsam, Jana Wilcoxen, Chantal van Mourik. Abrahams will also present her latest art book from estranger to e-stranger.

The exhibition was developed in collaboration with Maja Delak, Mojca Krisch Tožibabe,  Huong Ngo, Irena Pivka, Jasmina Založnik, Brane Zorman List of works for exhibition
Thanks to: Milena Gros, Chantal van Mourik, Martina Ruhsam, Sunčan Stone, Igor Štromajer, Jana Wilcoxen, Jerneja Žganec Gros and Aleš Mihelič – Alpineon razvoj in raziskave, d.o.o

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Annie Abrahams, born in 1954 in Hilvarenbeek (the Netherlands), lives in Montpellier, France, since 1986. She has a master (M2) in biology from the University of Utrecht and a grade (MA2) from the Academy of Fine Arts of Arnhem. In her work, using video, installations, performance as well as the internet, she questions the possibilities and the limits of communication in general and more specifically investigates its modes under networked conditions. She is well known for her net art, collective writing experiments and is an internationally regarded pioneer of networked performance art.

Production:  CONA  institute for contemporary a procesing
Coproduction: Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana.
Residency partner: JSKD and French Institute Ljubljana
Performanse partner: MSUM+MG and Kult3000
CONA’s program is financially supported by the Municipality of Ljubljana.


AA_image2samostojna razstava 21.10. – 7. 11. 2014
torek, 21.10. ob 20:00 otvoritev in predstavitev
22., 23 in 24.10 med 15:00 in 17:00 bo Annie Abrahams prisotna v galeriji, za pogovor, predstavitev svojih del in snemanje zvočnega dela.

Dela za razstavo Mie Lahkoo Pomagate? (mi lahko pomagate?), v katerih umetnica raziskuje odnos do jezika in problematizira strukturo izraznosti v novem okolju, so bila ustvarjena na enomesečni rezidenci v Ljubljani aprila 2014.

Ustvarjene odprte strukture je mogoče razumeti kot način “hackanja”, kjer se razpira neka druga cona nekdanjega netarta. Ta ni več ujeta le v virtualni svet, tudi ne raziskuje samo njegovih vtisov na realnost, temveč še bolj rezko zaje v prostor vmesnosti, realnega /virtualnega, preteklega / sedanjega. Nagovarja nas k odgovornemu, čuječemu, občutljivemu vstopanju, razbiranju, delovanju, reagiranju. Tudi takrat, ko postajamo priča nekemu preteklemu dogodku, ko interpretiramo ponujene materiale, jih sestavljamo, povezujemo in “razumemo”.

Na razstavi bodo predstavljeni zapisi performansa Encounter (Annie Abrahams, Maja Delak, Irena Pivka), in performansa Kaj misiliš s tem? What do you mean? katerega je ustvarila skupaj s povabljenimi gosti Martino Ruhsam, Jano Wilcoxen, Chantal van Mourik.
Predstavila bo tudi svojo najnovejšo umetniško knjigo from estranger to e-stranger.

Pri snovanju razstave sodelujejo: Maja Delak, Mojca Krisch Tožibabe, Huong Ngo, Irena Pivka, Jasmina Založnik, Brane Zorman. Spisek del na razstavi
zahvala: Milena Gros, Chantal van Mourik, Martina Ruhsam, Sunčan Stone, Igor Štromajer, Jana Wilcoxen, Jerneja Žganec Gros in Aleš Mihelič – Alpineon razvoj in raziskave, d.o.o

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Annie Abrahams je priznana spletna umetnica in mednarodna pionirka spletnega performansa ter raziskovalka koleketivnega pisanja. Pri svojem delu uporablja video instalacijo kot tudi splet ter prevprašuje možnosti in omejitve komuniciranja, še posebej znotraj spletnih pogojev.

produkcija CONA zavod za procesiranje sodobne umetnosti
koproducent razstave Aksioma – Zavod za sodobne umentosti, Ljubljana.
galerija je odprta od torka in petka od 12:00- 18:00.
partner residence: JSKD in French Institute Ljubljana
partner residence: MSUM+MG in Kult3000
Program Cone podpira MOL Oddelek za kulturo