Annie Abrahams: from estranger to e-stranger


Living in between languages.
(e)stranger is invisible, exotic, unidentifiable, rude, hybrid, 
blurry, deformed, subversive, incomprehensible, complex, pliable, lonely, abject, harder and more fragile at the same time … they are more resilient, more inventive, know how to protect themselves, are good observers, look around a lot, see and ask questions about things that seem to be selfevident …

Since April 2014 Annie Abrahams posted 77 times on her (e)stranger website. Some of these posts are personal, others go back to literature, art works or are more theoretical. The research was started during a residency in Ljubljana for which CONA Instistute for Contemporary Arts Processing, invited her. She won’t stop after the publication of this book, so please, don’t hesitate to point her to other sources that might help to further her quest.

The book, 98 pages, is available in print on demand (soft cover) for 18 euros (+ postage and tax)

You can also download a free .pdf copy of the book from estranger to e-stranger

Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman, BridA / Tom Kerševan, Jurij Pavlica, Sendi Mango, Vlado Repnik, Jasmina Zaloznik, Igor Stromajer, Mojca Krisch of Tozibabe, Maja Delak, C. George Sandulescu, Milena Gros, Martina Rusham, Jana Wilcoxen, Chantal van Mourik, Jerneja Gros, Naomi Uma Zorman somewhere figure in the book among Annie’s nephew Silas, her father and mother, Peppa Pig and Fassbinder, Louis Wolfson, Deleuze and Guattari, Kafka, Huong Ngo, Hannah Arendt, Antye Greie, Talan Memmott, Katarina Zdjelar, Gijsbert Wouter Wahl, Zhuangzi, Hito Steyerl, Martine Neddam, Yasemin Yildiz, Mounira al Solh, Adorno, Friedrich Kittler, Gertrud Stein, Mladen Stilinovic, Joseph Beuys, Tarkovsky, Julia Kristeva, Guillaume Apollinaire, Jan Brokken, Mel Blochner, Mez Breeze, Nick Montfort, Jacques Derrida, Boris Groys, Miltos Manetas, Jill Magid, Frédéric Madre, James Joyce, Emine Sevgi Özdamar, Yoko Tawada, Rein Taaramäe …


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October 2014
Editions +++plus+++

Annie Abrahams.
From estranger to e-stranger Editions +++plus+++
In collaboration with CONA – Instistute for contemporary arts processing (supported by the Municipality of Ljubljana, Department of Culture)
Gallery partner: Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art
Residency partners: Institut Français Ljubljana and Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia (JSKD)
Licenced under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. nc-sa/4.0.
If you find anything in this book used without permission, please contact